En general la gent és molt acollidora, els primers dies quan anava una mica més perdut, algunes persones no només m'assenyalaven el camí si no que perdien el seu temps per acompanyar-me al lloc exacte i ajudar-me en el que calgués. No m'ha estat massa difícil fer-me amb alguns mòbils, de moment he trobat gent oberta. Hi ha policia per tot arreu. I els carrers estan nets, nets, nets!
El temps sembla una muntanya russa, un dia fa fred polar i al següent calor africana. Els camions són molt més bonics que els nostres, un dels seus camions de bombers nosaltres l'exposaríem com a peça de museu. Hi ha bastants raperos que fan por. Aquí la gorra és molt més popular, moltíssima gent en porta. La taxa de sonats és estratosfèrica, és bestial el nombre de tarats i alienats que circulen per NY. Hi ha molts més joves amb camisa que a Catalunya. Si al World Trade Center hi havia molts jueus, a Brooklyn ni t'explico, la comunitat és extraordinàriament gran. Hi ha molts cotxes de luxe. Hi ha moltíssimes llums de contrastos. Se sent olor de menjar en tots els carrers, acabes de dinar i ja tornes a tenir l'instint de gana allà...; i el fum sortint de les clavegueres. Els Hotdogs típics de les paradetes costen al voltant d'un euro i mig. Manhattan de nit és absolutament al·lucinant, fabulós, fantàstic, descomunal, ¿infinit?... Wa, és d'una bellesa sense nom. Hi ha de tot a l'abast de la mà, el luxe més exquisit, coses realment bones. Una oferta en productes que multiplica la nostra potser per vint. Hi ha un munt de begudes que mai havia tastat, i totes les nostres també les tenen (o quasi totes, gazpatxo i horxata no, fora de restaurants especialitzats). Fanta de maduixa i de pinya. Cafè aigualit, cafè aigualit al quadrat, per tot arreu el cafè "aguachirri". La comunitat hispana té un pes demogràfic més que important. Hi ha molts més rascacels però també molta més casa, sembla que no tinguin terme mig aquesta gent. Aquí no has d'esperar favors, aquí has d'agafar el que vols. Pam, pam! Tohom pam pam pam! Nova York és Pam!Pam!!
Aquí si no tens un cotxe tot terreny ets estrany. Els hi encanta gastar gasolina, segurament són bastant rics. La barreja humana és brutal, Nova York és un batut del món sencer amanit amb una presentació estètica fantàstica. És el país de la fritanga, del greix, del cafè gegantí i un cop més aigualit (aigualit fins la immensitat oceànica del tè aigualit), també és el país llar dels biquinis més increiblement bons de la terra. NovaYork és una nació de nacions. És una aspiració al benestar a partir del poder, la grandesa i la sofisticació. Manhattan de nit respira, i et mira amb seducció i els ulls il·luminats per una llum de reflexos multicolors... Certament, és una mica al·lucinatòria.
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És increïble... M'acabes de fer venir mil ganes de tornar a passejar per aquells carrers plens de gent a tot hora, de música i de colors. Es nota que em va enamorar?? jaja.. Enveja sana!
per cert.. el que surt de les clavegueres no és fum, és vapor!! jo ho vaig haver de preguntar.. la curiositat!!
I qui no se n'enamora d'aquesta ciutat? Té mil estímuls. Ep, però també el turista s'enamora de Barcelona, o de Catalunya, o d'Espanya. Trobo a faltar les croquetes, hauré de fer-les jo hehe i de pas sorprendre els companys de pis :P
Enveja és poc, Efrem. Molta sort. empre cal, malgrat te la mereixis
Statue of Liberty (full name is Lady Liberty illuminating the world, English: Liberty enlightening the World; French: La Liberté eclairant le monde) is a sculpture by neo-classical style with a click very large size, located on Liberty Island in New York harbor. This work by architect and designer Frédéric Bartholdi was inaugurated on October 28, 1886. This is the gift of the French people sent the United States.
Statue of Liberty has a shape of a woman wearing a jacket, typical of Libertas, the goddess of Roman liberty, the right hand holds a torch while the other hand has carved stone slabs date of U.S. independence . This statue symbolizes the epitome of the ideal of freedom as well as the United States.
Architect Bartholdi was inspired by the words of a politician-cum-French law professor, Édouard René de Laboulaye in 1865 that any monument erected to mark any independence of the United States is also worth is a joint project of both French and American peoples. Because political turmoil in France and works delayed until early 1870. In 1875, Laboulaye suggested that France will fund the statue and the United States will build the base and find the location. Bartholdi completed the first part and the arm holding the torch before the statue of the entire design. Parts of the exhibition is on display for public viewing in many international exhibitions round. Particularly right arm holding the torch on display at the Madison Square Park New York City from 1876 to 1882. Promotional fundraising difficult, especially towards the Americans.
profesores particulares de inglés en BogotáMühle kaufen im RheingauConstruction in 1885 threatened pedestal suspension for lack of budget. Joseph Pulitzer, editor of the New York World newspaper, to launch a campaign raising funds to complete the project. His campaign has attracted over 120,000 supporters. Among the donations, the majority of contributing less than one dollar per person.
The statue was built in France, placed in large bins and transported by ship, which is then assembled into the pedestal on which the island formerly called Bedloe Island. To mark the completion of the statue, a large parade held in New York City. That was the first time we saw a paper flower roll down the street like snow. The ceremony was inaugurated by President Grover Cleveland presided.
Statue of Liberty was in charge of the United States Lighthouse to management in 1901 and then the War Department United States in 1933 from the Department by the U.S. National Park management.
The statue is closed for major renovation in 1938. In early 1980, for signs of damage, the subjects experienced a more modern restoration. During the renovation from 1984 to 1986, most of the torch and inside the structure to be replaced. After the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, Statue of Liberty was closed for security reasons; pedestal reopened in 2004 and again welcome all the objects on view since 2009 but the number of limit allowed up to the crown. Authorities planned to close about a year, starting late in 2011 to equip a side staircase. Entrance to the balcony surrounding the torch stopped for safety reasons since 1916.
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"He didn't say anything really, just explained how everything will go. There wasn't much else," I told him.
He nodded. "Something's up with her," he said, blankly. "She's been acting weird ever since she started going to those meetings every Tuesday. I think I'm going to go with her next time."
I shook my head. "Dad, you can't go with her. That will make her not want to go. I think she likes them, and I think they're going to help her get through it all."
Dad groaned. "But she's been weird."
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I swallowed and made sure not to look in the toilet - the stench was bad enough. I reached out and rested my hand on her arm.
"It's okay, Mom," I told her, not knowing what else to say.
She sniffed and turned back to look at me. Her eyes were almost as red as Dad's were, but I smiled comfortingly at her, trying to make her feel at least somewhat better.
"You're the perfect daughter, you know that?" She said, smiling.
I laughed. "I think the chemo's making you delirious," I told her and stroked her hair.
She shook her head. "I love you so much."
I strained to hold back the tears. "I love you too, Mom"
And then she threw up again. It lasted all through the night. Eventually, Dad sent me to bed, knowing I had school in the morning and that I had to go since I'd missed the day before.
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Her expression is pained and she looks away, trying to hide it.
"What are you talking about?"
And when she looks back, I know I’ve gotten through her tough cover. I know that she’s not as tough as she seems. She’s still a teenage girl - one who wants to live, love, and laugh. She doesn't want to be caught up in all this drama. It makes me wonder why she still is. But as soon as I notice this, she neutralizes her expression and strides past me to the lantern, picking it up off the branch.
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"Hey you okay?" Said a girl who took a spot next to me. I looked at her and surprisingly it was Sam and oh my God did she look amazing. "Hey! No I'm fine. I thought you weren't gonna come. I was waiting for you guys... so I could introduce you guys." I asked her.
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I smile, looking at both of their names at the bottom. Craig's in a red crayon, Carly a purple.
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"Yes." Craig nods.
"Look." Carly stands in front of us, "Look. He wrote here... and I wrote here."
"Really?" Mark asks again. "Are you sure you guys did this? You didn't have any help?"
"Yes." Carly's eyebrows knit together as she frowns, nodding continuously, trying to convince us. "Even Tina saw us and she helped with the letters. Which one should come first..." She says, referring to their live-in nanny.
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He shuts his phone and slowly looks up at me.
"I am so sorry Ven! Something's come up in the office. I really need to be there. We'll talk later yeah?"
I swallow the lump in my throat, blinking back my tears.
He lets out a relived sigh, "Thanks sweetheart. I'll be home soon, I promise."
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Recognizing the voice, I turn to my right and see Andrew leaning against the railing beside me. I take in his black leather jacket and black jeans. My heart speeds up and I try to ignore it.
"Yeah. What are you doing here?"
He glances at me, making a face," I don't like these type of parties. I was forced to come with one of my friends even after I said no."
I chuckle, tearing my eyes away from him," I don't like them either."
He smiles, "Yeah I figured."
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"Yeah. I did didn't I?"
"Yeah?" I turn towards him, to see him sitting closer to me than I thought he was. Much closer.
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"But why…"
"NO! Go to your room and forget about her!"
"Yes Marina." Benjamin goes back to his room, sits on his bed and mutters under his breath, "You don’t like it when you bash your head."
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interior designing ideasVegetarian Meal PlanIt turns out that some of the most widely acclaimed Hatto performances were lifted from several sources and spliced together by Mr Barrington-Coupe. An American collector and pianophile, Farhan Malik, has spent months deconstructing the forgeries. ‘In some cases the speeding up really does improve a performanc’, he tells me. ‘I will give you an example: the Chopin Godowsky ‘Fourth Etude’. That’s Carlo Grante. It’s really much better than the original Carlo Grante. Carlo Grante has to slow down for the middle section because it’s more difficult. But Joyce Hatto doesn’t.’ Likewise, Alexander Ghindin’s recording of the Mendelssohn Rachmaninoff Scherzo from ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ has been sped up by 4.23%. ‘The Hatto really is much more impressiv’.
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icandy ApplechiropractorAs Hatto struggled to the studio to lay down yet more recordings in the time left to her--she performed Beethoven’s “Les Adieux” Sonata from a wheelchair just three weeks before she died--critics joined a stampede to celebrate this triumph of art over adversity, of hidden talent finally recognised.
“I have no hesitation in saying that Joyce Hatto is one of the greatest pianists I have ever heard,” began Jeremy Nicholas in a eulogy for Gramophone. “If you want to experience a perfect assimilation of virtuosity and musicality, then she comes close to faultless.” Critics across the world compared her to legendary artists such as Claudio Arrau, Dinu Lipatti and Sviatoslav Richter. By the time of her death in June 2006, she was, in the words of Jed Distler, “one of the greatest, most consistently satisfying pianists in history.”
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Current understanding of human migration to and throughout the Americas derives from advances in four interrelated disciplines: archeology, physical anthropology, DNA analysis and linguistics. While there is general agreement that America was first settled from Asia by people who migrated across Beringia, the pattern of migration, its timing, and the place of origin in Asia of the peoples who migrated to America remains unclear.
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At that time most Brazilians were in favour of a monarchy and republicanism had little support.[50][51] The subsequent Brazilian War of Independence spread through almost the entire territory, with battles in the northern, northeastern, and southern regions.
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The legal system is based on the Federal Constitution, which was promulgated on 5 October 1988, and is the fundamental law of Brazil. All other legislation and court decisions must conform to its rules.[170] As of April 2007, there have been 53 amendments. States have their own constitutions, which must not contradict the Federal Constitution.
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Force, and Rocket Force. According to the U.S. Department of State, North Korea has the fourth-largest army in the world, at an estimated 1.21 million armed personnel, with about 20% of men aged 17–54 in the regular armed forces.[96] North Korea has the highest percentage of military personnel per capita of any nation in the world, with approximately one enlisted soldier for every 25 citizens.
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while maintaining compulsory conscription for men.[47] Consequently, South Korea has the world's sixth largest number of active troops(650,000 in 2011),[48] the world's second-largest number of reserve troops(3,200,000 in 2011)[48] and the eleventh largest defense budget. The Republic of Korea, with both regular and reserve military force numbering 3.7 million regular personnel among a total national population of 50 million people, has the second highest number of soldiers per capita in the world,[48] after the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
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In the southwestern part of Central Java, which is usually named the Banyumasan region, a cultural mingling occurred; bringing together Javanese culture and Sundanese culture to create the Banyumasan culture.[citation needed] In the central Javanese court cities of Yogyakarta and Surakarta, contemporary kings trace their lineages back to the pre-colonial Islamic kingdoms that ruled the region, making those places especially strong repositories of classical Javanese culture.
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A two-year period of political turmoil followed the general election of 1996. Several short-lived alliances shared power at the centre. The BJP formed a government briefly in 1996; it was followed by two comparatively long-lasting United Front coalitions, which depended on external support. In 1998, the BJP was able to form a successful coalition, the National Democratic Alliance, or NDA.
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The bombing campaign, which ultimately lasted three years, was intended to force North Vietnam to cease its support for the National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam (NLF) by threatening to destroy North Vietnam's air defenses and industrial infrastructure. As well, it was aimed at bolstering the morale of the South Vietnamese.
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French to capture the strong fortress at Valetta on June 9. This made general Casabianca comment "It was very lucky that there was someone here to open this place's gates for us". Before leaving the island, Bonaparte freed the Barbary and Italian prisoners languishing in its prisons, both for humanitarian reasons and for political ones, to make himself popular amongst these Muslims while he was on his way to fight other Muslims in Egypt.
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In June 1941, Nazi Germany and its allies invaded the Soviet Union, breaking the non-aggression pact, which the latter had signed in 1939. After four years of brutal warfare, the Soviet Union emerged victorious as one of the world's two superpowers, the other being the United States.
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It included foreign intervention, the execution of Nicholas II and his family, and the famine of 1921, which killed about five million.[7] In March 1921, during a related conflict with Poland, the Peace of Riga was signed, splitting disputed territories in Belarus and Ukraine between the Republic of Poland and Soviet Russia. The Soviet Union had to resolve similar conflicts with the newly established Republic of Finland, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Latvia, and the Republic of Lithuania.
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Wi-Fi networks have limited range. A typical wireless access point using 802.11b or 802.11g with a stock antenna might have a range of 32 m (120 ft) indoors and 95 m (300 ft) outdoors. IEEE 802.11n, however, can exceed that range by more than two times.[39] Range also varies with frequency band. Wi-Fi in the 2.4 GHz frequency block has slightly better range than Wi-Fi in the 5 GHz frequency block which is used by 802.11a. On wireless routers with detachable antennas, it is possible to improve range by fitting upgraded antennas which have higher gain in particular directions.
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Reforms in social and economic spheres followed, including the first laws on child labour, the legalisation of trade unions,[99] and the abolition of slavery.[100] In Britain, the Public Health Act 1875 was passed, which significantly improved living conditions in many British cities.[101] Europe’s population increased from about 100 million in 1700 to 400 million by 1900.[102] In the 19th century, 70 million people left Europe in migrations to various European colonies abroad and to the United States.
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German Chancellor Bismarck negotiated the League of the Three Emperors (German: Dreikaiserbund) between the monarchs of Austria–Hungary, Russia and Germany. This agreement failed because Austria–Hungary and Russia could not agree over Balkan policy, leaving Germany and Austria–Hungary in an alliance formed in 1879, called the Dual Alliance.
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Parker placed a similar condition on the silver that he bequeathed to the college and these stipulations are part of the reason that Corpus Christi College retains to this day the entirety of the library and the silver collection, as they were unable to sell off (or melt down) the less valuable parts of either collection without losing both. So assiduous was Archbishop Parker in his acquisition of books and manuscripts he earned himself the epithet of "Nosey Parker", bringing about a phrase still used today.
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Corpus maintains an impressive collection of silver as it was the only college not to sell its silverware in support of either side during the Civil War.[3] That, and its unrivalled collection of manuscripts and massive collection of rare wines and ports, fuels rumours that it is Cambridge's richest college per student. This is a moot point, since these assets cannot be sold and most cannot be valued.
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St. Louis Cardinals and remained with the team for 12 seasons, winning his first MVP and his only World Series. He then played for the New York Giants and Boston Braves before being traded to the Chicago Cubs. He played with the Cubs for four years and won his second MVP before the team released him in 1932. Hornsby re-signed with the Cardinals in 1933, but was released partway through the season and was picked up by the St. Louis Browns.
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The disruptions came to a head in August, when a series of protests, anti-war speeches, and demonstrations resulted in the arrest of dozens of sailors.[63] Scheer ordered the arrest of over 200 men from the battleship Prinzregent Luitpold, the center of the anti-war activities. A series of courts-martial followed, which resulted in 77 guilty verdicts; nine men were sentenced to death for their roles, though only two men, Albin Köbis and Max Reichpietsch, were executed.
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According to Forbes magazine's "wealthiest American" lists, a 2000 net worth of $800 million dollars made Oprah Winfrey the richest African American of the 20th century; by contrast, the net worth of the 20th century's richest American, Bill Gates, who is of European descent, briefly hit $100 billion in 1999. In Forbes' 2007 list, Gates' net worth decreased to $59 billion while Winfrey's increased to $2.5 billion,[67] making her the world's richest black person.
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the French were still interned and the Japanese forces stood down.[51] The Viet Minh stepped into this vacuum and grasped power across Vietnam in the August Revolution,[51] largely supported by the Vietnamese population.[52] After their defeat in the war, the Imperial Japanese Army (IJA) gave weapons to the Vietnamese, and kept Vichy French officials and military officers imprisoned for a month after the surrender. The Việt Minh had recruited more than 600 Japanese soldiers and given them roles to train or command Vietnamese soldiers.
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Vietnamese was identified more than 150 years ago[4] as part of the Mon–Khmer branch of the Austro-Asiatic language family (a family that also includes Khmer, spoken in Cambodia, as well as various tribal and regional languages, such as the Munda and Khasi languages spoken in eastern India, and others in southern China). Later, Mường was found to be more closely related to Vietnamese than other Mon–Khmer languages, and a Việt-Mường sub-grouping was established.
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