Això és la més fantàstica catedral construïda al consumisme. Per tot arreu on vagis et van venint olors de menjars, dolços, salats, picants... I per si això no fos prou estímul, també hi ha homes anunci que et conviden a passar aquí o allà. Potser no mengen gens bé, només greix, val, però en qualsevol petit supermercat et trobes preparats, pocions màgiques amb desenes de nutrients. 100% de la quantitat diària de vitamines recomanades. Pretenia comprar un batut de xocolata i resulta que era un d'aquests preparats. Als súpers hi ha passadissos sencers dedicats a aquesta mena d'aliments fets a base de concentrats barrejats. Hi ha més bars i restaurants per metre quadrat que a Barcelona, que ja és dir. Increïble. No us enganyo si us dic que només avui he vist més de mil jueus ortodoxos pel carrer, també és sorprenent tots els que hi ha, a Barcelona quasi no se'n veuen. I en tots aquests bars de menjar ràpìd, els dependents no són blancs ni asiàtics, són indis, hispans o afroamericans.
Algunes parts de Brooklyn són força semblants a Manhattan, els edificis més baixos. Hi ha qualitat de vida, veïnats immensos de cases que pel cap baix costen un milió cadascuna. Però l'autèntic Brooklyn és una cosa ben diferent, té un sabor intensament propi. És una barreja aromàtica de llumenària gustosa i picant servida en una barra de fusta desfeta i plàstic mig brut. També veïnats que semblen trets d'una pel·li de por, canvia molt segons la zona, només Brooklyn és com tota Barcelona inclosa l'àrea metropolitana. Avui hi havia tot de llibres a les portes de les cases, no sé si eren per agafar o per canviar. Es prenen Halloween amb gran passió. Tot de portals decorats amb talent i plens de fantasia que sembla que es facin la competència a veure quin té la combinació més simpàticament terrorífica. Molt de turista també, però com que la ciutat és tant gran passem més desapercebuts que a Barcelona. Els camions són preciosos si els comparem amb els nostres, sembla que aquí també hi ha un sentit de l'estètica més profund, tothom està molt guapo i combina tremendament. Fins i tot els pobres! Molta gent que corre, més també que a Barcelona. L'esport Fuck Yeah. Força botigues de licors i de xocolata.
Mentre a casa puja l'afany cerveser, a NY es prenen el vi com una cosa selecta i superior. Pagarien cinc cops més el preu dels vins i els menjars que fem a Catalunya. França, Itàlia i Turquia hi són completa i rabiosament presents. No és el cas d'Espanya, cosa d'estranyar si tenin em compte que tenim menjars més bons que ells i, concretament Catalunya, un plus amb aquesta nova onada de cuina deconstruida que podria rebentar literalment el mercat. El primer restaurant de menjar ràpid que posi els plats catalans vells i/o nous al mercat, ho peta. Nostrum podria competir amb Mc Donalds i/o Dunkin' Donuts sense problemes. Igualment un Dunkin Donuts a Europa podria funcionar molt bé. A amèrica el millor s'emporta el premi a la primera, i no com a casa nostra, que estem massa carregats de manies. El català ha d'arromangar-se, treballar i prendre sense tants de miraments, ens hem de treure el mocador de iaia putrefacta, aquesta moral petita basada en el complexe. Podriem competir amb els millors, el món pot ser nostre...
Algunes parts de Brooklyn són força semblants a Manhattan, els edificis més baixos. Hi ha qualitat de vida, veïnats immensos de cases que pel cap baix costen un milió cadascuna. Però l'autèntic Brooklyn és una cosa ben diferent, té un sabor intensament propi. És una barreja aromàtica de llumenària gustosa i picant servida en una barra de fusta desfeta i plàstic mig brut. També veïnats que semblen trets d'una pel·li de por, canvia molt segons la zona, només Brooklyn és com tota Barcelona inclosa l'àrea metropolitana. Avui hi havia tot de llibres a les portes de les cases, no sé si eren per agafar o per canviar. Es prenen Halloween amb gran passió. Tot de portals decorats amb talent i plens de fantasia que sembla que es facin la competència a veure quin té la combinació més simpàticament terrorífica. Molt de turista també, però com que la ciutat és tant gran passem més desapercebuts que a Barcelona. Els camions són preciosos si els comparem amb els nostres, sembla que aquí també hi ha un sentit de l'estètica més profund, tothom està molt guapo i combina tremendament. Fins i tot els pobres! Molta gent que corre, més també que a Barcelona. L'esport Fuck Yeah. Força botigues de licors i de xocolata.
Mentre a casa puja l'afany cerveser, a NY es prenen el vi com una cosa selecta i superior. Pagarien cinc cops més el preu dels vins i els menjars que fem a Catalunya. França, Itàlia i Turquia hi són completa i rabiosament presents. No és el cas d'Espanya, cosa d'estranyar si tenin em compte que tenim menjars més bons que ells i, concretament Catalunya, un plus amb aquesta nova onada de cuina deconstruida que podria rebentar literalment el mercat. El primer restaurant de menjar ràpid que posi els plats catalans vells i/o nous al mercat, ho peta. Nostrum podria competir amb Mc Donalds i/o Dunkin' Donuts sense problemes. Igualment un Dunkin Donuts a Europa podria funcionar molt bé. A amèrica el millor s'emporta el premi a la primera, i no com a casa nostra, que estem massa carregats de manies. El català ha d'arromangar-se, treballar i prendre sense tants de miraments, ens hem de treure el mocador de iaia putrefacta, aquesta moral petita basada en el complexe. Podriem competir amb els millors, el món pot ser nostre...
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Un passeig interessant. NY eés el món comprimit en una ciutat; després d'estar-s'hi un temps, ja no cal viatjar enlloc més. NY és un compendi de sociologia, EL compendi per antonomàsia. Després de NY, el no res. Consumeix, ara que pots!
Ja ho pots ben dir, si hi el tot es concentra en algun lloc és aquí. El que impacta és la propensió dels contrastos. El luxe més escandalós a centímetres de la misèria més absoluta. Però color, color, color, línies de tota mena, concretes i diàfanes i abstractes i difuses. Wa!
Las Lajas Cathedral (Colombia)
Built in 1916 on top of a small church from the 19th century, the church of Las Lajas is unique location, situated in the heart of a river canyon Guaitara (Colombia). The church building is attached to a TV thriller about a woman named Maria Mueces Indians.
Legend has it that once passed through here, then, Maria Mueces are carried on the back of her disabled daughter Rose has been both deaf and dumb. Suddenly, voices Rose asked her to put her in front of mountain caves. This is the first time in my life Rose speak. She has painted on cave walls the famous painting of the Virgin Mary Mother and son (known as the "German miracle mother") is being kept confidential in the church.MLS Listings Mississaugamaryland computer repair
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Adrian Cole (1895–1966) was a founding member of the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) in 1921, and became one of its senior commanders. Having joined the army at the outbreak of World War I, Cole transferred to the Australian Flying Corps in 1916 and flew with No. 1 Squadron in the Middle East and No. 2 Squadron on the Western Front. He became an "ace", credited with victories over 10 enemy aircraft, and earned the Military Cross and the Distinguished Flying Cross. In 1935
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Her public duties were restricted to uncontroversial involvement in charitable work. On the death of Queen Victoria in 1901, Albert Edward became King-Emperor as Edward VII, with Alexandra as Queen-Empress consort. From Edward's death in 1910 until her own death, she was the Queen Mother, being a queen and the mother of the reigning monarch, George V. She greatly distrusted her nephew, German Emperor Wilhelm II and supported her son during World War I.
In the spring of 1928, Disney asked Ub Iwerks to start drawing up new character ideas. Iwerks tried sketches of various animals, such as dogs and cats, but none of these appealed to Disney. A female cow and male horse were also rejected. They would later turn up as Clarabelle Cow and Horace Horsecollar.A male frog, also rejected, would later show up in Iwerks' own Flip the Frog series. Walt Disney got the inspiration for Mickey Mouse from his old pet mouse he used to have on his farm
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After we left, we headed home. Dad had brought home Chinese. It was usually Mom's favorite meal, but tonight I noticed that all she had, was a few pieces of chicken and broccoli and that was it.
"Are you feeling alright, Mom?" I asked.
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I couldn't say anything, I just stood there and stared as reality really started kicking in. My mother really did have cancer.
Dad looked over his shoulder at me suddenly and I could see how swollen his eyes were. He was crying. And seeing my father cry, made me want to cry, too.
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"Mum and dad were in some sort of accident." I choked out. "Will your mum be able to pick me up?" I asked and he answered me by getting his mobile.
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"What about me?"
"Tell her you’ll be here as usual."
"Indy… have to tell you something."
"I’m sorry Austin, it’ll have to wait." I walked from my house to the bus stop. Once I arrived at the hospital I bolted. I walked in and went to the front desk.
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As I am looking out of the window and the wind is gently brushing my hair, I am wondering what life has in store for me. Maybe it's not going to be that bad there, but something in me is insinuating that I am falling into a trap. Whatever it is, one thing is for sure! I am going to get out from that town as soon as possible.
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I smile reading Craig's handwriting. It's written in a red crayon and the message looks like it's dancing sown the page. He probably got that from me. I can't write straight to save my life. I open it as Mark rests his chin on my shoulder, his breath tickling my ear as he reads what written inside. Carly's handwriting fills the page.
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She nods and chooses a magnet and hands it to me. I place it on the fridge with all of her and Craig's other drawings. When she's run back up to her room, I hear Mark's voice as he comes downstairs.
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"No. Please don't tell me."
I run my hand through my hair, glancing around. Lily disappeared with her boyfriend fifteen minutes ago. Actually, she'd dragged me to the dance floor with her, but I'd backed out after a few songs. So that left me alone. Glancing around, I decide to head out and step out of the front door. The cool night air is refreshing. I lean against the porch railing, looking out at a few couples walking in the garden.
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[The VA] has made it a priority to identify all service members exposed to chemical and biological substances.
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interior designing ideasVegetarian Meal PlanPerhaps this very absence of ego is why so many of the ripped-off pianists are not better known. Certainly, many of them are notable for just one or two excellent CDs. Recordings widely acclaimed by piano cognoscenti include ‘Nojima Plays Liszt’ (Minoru Nojima, 1993, Reference Recordings); Arthur Moreira Lima’s ‘Chopin Waltzes’ (Pro Arte 177); and Sergei Babayan’s ‘Scarlatti Sonatas’ (Pro Piano records).
But many of the ripped-off recordings, deprived of the halo effect of Hatto’s tragically uplifting story, now seem rather less impressive. According to Gregor Benko, co-founder of the International Piano Archives in Maryland: ‘A few of the pirated performances were excellent or superior. Most of them, the majority of them, however, were middle of the road, chrome-plated conservatory graduate style delineations of the text, without much interpretation, personality or musical soul’.
Web Design in Atlantaganhar dinheiro onlineAdmittedly, I have macadam in my veins; as a traveler and, alas, a person, am somewhat immune to the charms of nature, but it made me wonder why more tourists don't include at least one unremarkable city on every journey. Just as you learn more about people when they're drunk or just awoken than you do when they're prepared, so you learn more about a country by visiting places where there's nothing to do but drink, smoke and talk to people. Swoon at the Eiffel Tower, but spare a night for Lille and Toulon.
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Hatto’s husband, a recording engineer and producer called William Barrington-Coupe, explained what made her performances so powerful. “She doesn’t want to play in public again”, he told Dyer, “because she never knows when the pain will start, or when it will stop, and she refuses to take drugs. Nothing has stopped her and I believe the illness has added a third dimension to her playing: she gets at what is inside the music, what lies behind it.”
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Lionel Andrés "Leo" Messi is an association football player who currently plays for FC Barcelona and the Argentina national team as a forward or winger. Considered one of the best football players of his generation, Messi received several Ballon d'Or and FIFA World Player of the Year nominations by the age of 21, and won in 2009 and 2010. His playing style and ability have drawn comparisons to Diego Maradona, who himself declared Messi as his "successor".
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Messi was born in Rosario, Santa Fe, to parents Jorge Horacio Messi, a factory steel worker, and Celia María Cuccittini, a part-time cleaner. His paternal family originates from the Italian city of Ancona, from which his ancestor, Angelo Messi, emigrated to Argentina in 1883. He has two older brothers named Rodrigo and Matías as well as a sister named María Sol. At the age of five, Messi started playing football for Grandoli, a local club coached by his father Jorge Messi was born in Rosario, Santa Fe, to parents Jorge Horacio Messi, a factory steel worker, and Celia María Cuccittini, a part-time cleaner. His paternal family originates from the Italian city of Ancona, from which his ancestor, Angelo Messi, emigrated to Argentina in 1883. He has two older brothers named Rodrigo and Matías as well as a sister named María Sol. At the age of five, Messi started playing football for Grandoli, a local club coached by his father Jorge
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water ionizerfrom the Italian city of Ancona, from which his ancestor, Angelo Messi, emigrated to Argentina in 1883. He has two older brothers named Rodrigo and Matías as well as a sister named María Sol. At the age of five, Messi started playing football for Grandoli, a local club coached by his father Jorge Messi was born in Rosario, Santa Fe, to parents Jorge Horacio Messi, a factory steel worker, and Celia María Cuccittini, a part-time cleaner. His paternal family originates from the Italian city of Ancona, from which his ancestor, Angelo Messi, emigrated to Argentina in 1883. He has tw
alkaline watered to Argentina in 1883. He has two older brothers named Rodrigo and Matías as well as a sister named María Sol. At the age of five, Messi started playing football for Grandoli, a local club coached by his father Jorge Messi was born in Rosario, Santa Fe, to parents Jorge Horacio Messi, a factory steel worker, and Celia María Cuccittini, a part-time cl
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