Em faltava només una assignatura per obtenir la llicenciatura i he marxat a Nova York dos mesos (si trobés feina potser més) per a millorar el meu anglès i viure l'experiència. El temps que he estat sense actualitzar m'he dedicat a un llibre que tractarà de presentar Salvador Dalí com a filòsof, tractarà d'explicar la seva filosofia, de sintetitzar en menys de dues-centes pàgines l'essència de la seva obra escrita de més de sis-mil, i donar-li un principi de sistematicitat. Encara no està enllestit però no li queda massa.
Què em diu Nova York? Energia Consumista, Poder Creatiu, Vitalitat Fresca, Alè de Joventut. Els americans són molt hospitalaris, les americanes em riuen més les gràcies que no les catalanes (serà que la ciutat m'inspira? hehe) En general són molt més patriotes que els europeus. Nova York, però, és el sinònim perfecte del cosmopolitisme. Els autobusos van a 140km/h mínim, semblava el rally Costa Brava. La ciutat batega, i a cada batec desprèn una energia que és impossible no notar.
Aquest matí, quan faltaven uns 5 minuts per arribar a la casa, la ciutat se'ns acomiadava amb un alè tan fresc i un somriure com aquest. Aquí, en comptes de lloros i gavines, hi ha esquirols i ossos rentadors. A cada àpat que faig me'n sobra la meitat, en aquesta nació tot comença a partir de l'XL, que és la mida mínima per defecte. I no només són patriotes a les pelis, ho són molt en serio, hi ha banderes per tot arreu, una cosa exagerada... La base de la gastronomia nortamericana es fonamenta en el greix, boníssim, amb sabor, i després tenen una cosa molt fina que consisteix en fer seves les millors parts de totes les cuines del món, i tot (o quasi tot) és per emportar i dins el restaurant t'ho serveixen ja en una bossa. En general, és un remolí d'energia i llum que si tens prou força per agafar-t'hi et transporta als estels de la humanitat, a un món molt millor; però que si no tens força, et destrossa sense pietat. El World Trade Center va ple de jueus ortodoxos. És una ciutat eternament jove, colorida, que rejovenint-se a cada instant saluda amb contundència i riallada els seus molts caminants. Es pot respirar un nivell cultural d'envejar, avui he entrat de franc al museu dels indis americans, hi havia com una mena de taulell fet de fitxes que si les posaves d'una banda eren d'un color i si les giraves eren de l'altre, de manera que s'hi podien fer representacions, jo ho he esborrat tot i hi he representat un fal·lus gegant, el símbol de la meva conquesta :D!
83 comentaris:
Ben retrobat! Salvador Dalí! NOva York! Millor no actualitzis, que els gelos... Ja diràs sobre el llibre. Sort i disfruta (quin consell més tonto)
Molt, però que molt bo l'escrit. Ja ens informaràs sobre el llibre de dalí. No sabia que hagués escrit sis mil planes. Per cert lo de endur-te el restaurant ha estat collonut. Lo de Xl tb. en fi un escrit immillorable...un saludu i ja era hora que tornessim a saber de tú!
Efrem is back, long life Efrem!
ps: després de Berlín, NY ist just my city. T'ho passaràs teta, t'inspirarà (més) i ens ho aniràs explicant. què més podem demanar?
Molta sort!
Evocacions, segurament és el millor consell possible. Ho faig tant com puc.
Noctas, me n'alegro que t'agradi, les coses que surten del cor sempre són bones oi? I tant! Ja ho saps tu bé escrius així també estomacalment pute ;)
Long life to me YES!! :PP Heheheh farem el contrari, perquè jo des de que vaig llegir el teu dietari Berlinenc que me'n van venir moltes ganes d'anar-hi un temps. (Però l'alemany el deixo per més endavant).
Gràcies home del sac, fins aviat!
M'agradaria poder-vos anar llegint també, es troba a faltar tot això, però últimament el temps i la vida em porten una gola molt profunda i els seus ullals ben clavats en una cuixa. Salut
Jo també hi vaig estar aquest any, tres setmanes.. Em va enamorar! Gaudeix-la.. I descobreix-la a fons!
I sort amb el llibre!!
Té una força bestial, i enamora, és com la botiga més gran del món, o com un parc temàtic immens. :P
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Edward Elgar (1857–1934) was an English composer. Among his best-known compositions are orchestral works such as the Enigma Variations, the Pomp and Circumstance Marches, concertos for violin and cello, and two symphonies. He also composed choral works, including The Dream of Gerontius, chamber music and songs. He was appointed Master of the King's Musick in 1924. Although his works are regarded as quintessentially English, most of his musical influences were not from England but from continental Europe.
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I spent a normal working day cleaning the rooms with nothing more important on my mind than leaving the hotel and going home to have some rest. Amelia had gone to visit a friend in North. As soon as I arrived home I threw off my shoes and got out of my gray and ugly uniform, and sank down in the couch eating the mushrooms stuffed with spinach and artichoke. My favorite food. One of my coworkers had brought it from the Hotel's restaurant.
The "making" hobbies are the opposite of "collecting" hobbies. Sure, you'll need to amass a certain amount of tools and materials, but the main focus on the hobby is the output instead of the input. Crafters have these hobbies in the bag - scrapbooking, knitting, painting and needlepoint are all very typical and easy to learn, but "making" hobbies also include things like baking, poetry, photography and blogging. The common thread being that when you have finished practicing your hobby for the day, you are left with something that wasn't there before - it came to life right in your hands. Your friends would prefer if you chose baking instead of poetry.
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The Battle of Osan was the first engagement between United States and North Korean forces during the Korean War, on July 5, 1950. A U.S. task force of 400 infantry supported by an artillery battery was moved to Osan,
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In recent years researchers have sought to use familiar tools to validate or reject established theories such as Clovis first.[2] As new discoveries come to light, past hypotheses are reevaluated and new theories constructed. The archeological evidence suggests that the Paleo-Indians' first "widespread" habitation of America occurred during the end of the last glacial period or, more specifically, what is known as the late glacial maximum, around 16,500–13,000 years ago.
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The first Brazilian constitution was promulgated on 25 March 1824, after its acceptance by the municipal councils across the country.[55][56][57][58] Pedro I abdicated on 7 April 1831 and went to Europe to reclaim his daughter’s crown, leaving behind his five year old son and heir, who was to become Dom Pedro II.
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Brazilian law is based on Roman-Germanic traditions[169] and civil law concepts prevail over common law practice. Most of Brazilian law is codified, although non-codified statutes also represent a substantial part, playing a complementary role. Court decisions set out interpretive guidelines; however, they are seldom binding on other specific cases. Doctrinal works and the works of academic jurists have strong influence in law creation and in law cases.
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Banyumasan region, a cultural mingling occurred; bringing together Javanese culture and Sundanese culture to create the Banyumasan culture.[citation needed] In the central Javanese court cities of Yogyakarta and Surakarta, contemporary kings trace their lineages back to the pre-colonial Islamic kingdoms that ruled the region, making those places especially strong repositories of classical Javanese culture. Classic arts of Java include gamelan music and wayang puppet shows.
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Led by Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the NDA became the first non-Congress government to complete a five-year term.[143] In the 2004 Indian general elections, again no party won an absolute majority, but the Congress emerged as the largest single party, forming another successful coalition: the United Progressive Alliance, or UPA. It had the support of left-leaning parties and MPs who opposed the BJP.
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National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam (NLF) by threatening to destroy North Vietnam's air defenses and industrial infrastructure. As well, it was aimed at bolstering the morale of the South Vietnamese.[146] Between March 1965 and November 1968, "Rolling Thunder" deluged the north with a million tons of missiles, rockets and bombs.
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Thirteen days after leaving Malta and continuing to successfully elude detection by the Royal Navy for the time being, the fleet was in sight of Alexandria, where it landed on 1 July, though his plan had been to land elsewhere. On the day of the landing he told his troops "I promise to each soldier who returns from this expedition, enough to purchase six arpents of land." and added:
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Two World Wars and an economic depression dominated the first half of the 20th century. World War I was fought between 1914 and 1918. It started when Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated by the Bosnian Serb Gavrilo Princip.[104] Most European nations were drawn into the war, which was fought between the Entente Powers (France, Belgium, Serbia, Portugal, Russia, the United Kingdom, and later Italy
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This agreement failed because Austria–Hungary and Russia could not agree over Balkan policy, leaving Germany and Austria–Hungary in an alliance formed in 1879, called the Dual Alliance. This was seen as a method of countering Russian influence in the Balkans as the Ottoman Empire continued to weaken.[6] In 1882, this alliance was expanded to include Italy in what became the Triple Alliance.
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He donated his unrivalled library to the college, much silver plate and its symbol, the pelican. In order to ensure the safety of his collection Parker inserted into the terms of his endowment one which stated that if any more than a certain number of books were lost, the rest of the collection would pass first to Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge and then (in the event of any more losses) to Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Every few years, representatives from both of those colleges ceremonially inspect the collection for any losses
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He remained there until his final season in 1937. From 1925 to 1937, Hornsby was intermittently a player-manager. He later managed the Browns in 1952 and the Cincinnati Reds from 1952 to 1953. Sportswriters consider Hornsby to be one of the best hitters of all time. His career batting average of .358 is second to Ty Cobb in MLB history. He also won two Triple Crowns, and is the only player to hit 40 home runs and bat .
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In early September 1917, following the German conquest of the Russian port of Riga, the German navy decided to eliminate the Russian naval forces that still held the Gulf of Riga. The Navy High Command (Admiralstab) planned an operation, codenamed Operation Albion, to seize the Baltic island of Ösel, and specifically the Russian gun batteries on the Sworbe Peninsula.[65] On 18 Septem
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Winfrey is also the first African American to make Business Week's annual list of America's 50 greatest philanthropists.[69] BET founder Bob Johnson was also listed as a billionaire prior to an expensive divorce and as of 2009, had an estimated net worth of $550 million.[70] Winfrey remains the only African American wealthy enough to rank among the country's 400 richest people.[67] Some black entrepreneurs use their wealth to create new avenues for both African Americans and new opportunities for American business in general. Examples such as Tyler Perry who created new filming studios in Atlanta, Georgia which makes it possible to film movies and television shows outside of California.
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During 1944–1945, a deep famine struck northern Vietnam due to a combination of bad weather and French/Japanese exploitation. 1 million people died of starvation (out of a population of 10 million in the affected area).[48] Exploiting the administrative gap[49] that the internment of the French had created, the Viet Minh in March 1945 urged the population to ransack rice warehouses and refuse to pay their taxes.[50] Between 75 and 100 warehouses were consequently raided.
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